Welcome to Denver's newest boutique community where luxury living is at its finest. Our residences are designed exclusively based on who you are, how you live, and where Service is our Signature Amenity. Enjoy an elevated lifestyle minutes away from Cherry Creek's premier shopping and dining district. Professionally managed by Gables Residential. Gables Residence's Resident Rental License number: 2023-BFN-0004939 Applicant has the right to provide Gables Residences with a Portable Tenant Screening Report (PTSR) that is not more than 30 days old, as defined in 38-12-902(2.5), Colorado Revised Statutes and 2) if Applicant provides Gables Residences with a PTSR, Gables Residences is prohibited from: a) charging Applicant a rental application fee or b) charging Applicant a fee for Gables Residences to access or use the PTSR.