Hawthorne at Horse Pen Creek provides an extensive list of amenities, so you'll have plenty to do without even having to leave home. Some of the amenities available to residents include a saltwater swimming pool, outdoor grills, playground area, leash-free bark park, 24-hour fitness center, fully equipped business center and more. Hawthorne at Horse Pen Creek is also located within the fantastic Guilford County School District. Finding luxurious apartments for rent in Greensboro has never been easier, and we are proud to offer several different floor plans to accommodate the needs of our residents. Hawthorne at Horse Pen Creek has 1-, 2- and 3-bedroom apartment homes available. From 850 to 1,300 square feet, you can choose the apartment space that best suits your lifestyle. Our apartment homes feature granite countertops, walk-in closets, energy-efficient appliances, large living spaces and more.