Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer a neque et nibh lobortis condimentum. Proin cursus semper pellentesque. Sed sollicitudin at orci ut convallis. Morbi finibus congue urna. In sollicitudin risus sit amet rutrum suscipit. Quisque dignissim dolor nec est rhoncus varius. Nam malesuada rutrum cursus. Cras scelerisque, libero a ultricies porta, felis lectus pellentesque sem, sit amet pulvinar magna eros at justo. Nullam cursus, ligula eget condimentum pulvinar, dui libero imperdiet lectus, a consequat ipsum odio quis justo. Proin scelerisque ornare nisi non venenatis. Nam porta mattis porta. Curabitur iaculis nibh a sem cursus, non euismod lacus tincidunt. Cras mauris felis, scelerisque ut sapien mollis, commodo porttitor mauris. Fusce eu dolor rutrum, ultricies enim ac, convallis quam. Nulla id sem in felis euismod hendrerit. Integer non luctus magna, sed luctus ante. To prequalify or apply, download the RentRedi app from Google Play or the App Store. You can also visit tenant.rentredi.com/getStarted/apply/SFR497 to apply, or go to tenant.rentredi.com/getStarted/prequalify/SFR497 to prequalify. For applying through the RentRedi mobile app, please follow these steps: Step 1. Tap the Apply button. Step 2. Click the + icon. Step 3. Select whether you're prequalifying or applying. Step 4. Enter in your unit code: SFR-497. Step 5. Click Enter Information and answer the questions. Step 6. Click Send to submit to the landlord. This property is using RentRedi for rent payments. With RentRedi, you can easily submit rent payments, boost your credit by reporting rent payments, sign up for affordable renters insurance, and more from the app!